Community Partners

Resources and Programs Available

Self Mastery

Grief and Trauma Recovery

Unresolved Grief and Trauma are the number one reason people become ill.

Your biochemistry becomes affected; your entire system is compromised and over time begins to breakdown.

Grief is an appropriate, multi-faceted, emotion-based response to any form of loss.

Trauma can be anything from witnessing a horrific event to being emotionally neglected as a child, the latter being the most common form of trauma and least diagnosed. The important aspect of trauma is the imprint the trauma leaves inside of you.

For a Complimentary Break Through Consultation Session please use the email below.

Email: [email protected]


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Request for Consultation

Thank You for your interest in the Disability Tax Credit Program. Please provide the following information to set up a consultation. We will be contacting you by telephone to go over the program with you in more detail.

Request Application Package

Thank You for your interest in the Disability Tax Credit Program. Please complete the information below and we will contact you for a consultation and send you the download links for the application package.